Norton Housing & Support strives to provide an excellent service. We welcome your comments,suggestions and complaints in order to continue improving our service.

As a registered provider of Social Housing,  we must carry out an annual assessment against the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code to ensure our complaint handling remains in line with their requirements.

Below you will find our full Comments, Suggestions and Complaints Policy  (a short guide to making a complaint can be found further down the page), the results of our 2024 self assessment, our Complaints Performance and Service Improvements Report for 2023-4 and the Board of Trustees’ Response to self assessment and report:

Comments. Suggestions and Complaints Policy

Self-Assessment against the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code – 2024

Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report 2023-2024

Scrutiny Report Complaints Handling Code Report June 2024– (Trustees’ Response)

What should I expect?

The Tenants’ Charter is Norton Housing and Support’s commitment to ensuring it’s Service Users have simple and accessible routes for making a complaint and receive timely advice and support when things go wrong.

Norton Housing and Support takes all complaints seriously and aims to deal with them promptly, politely and fairly. 

How Do I Complain?

  • Write to 107 Newport Street, Leicester, LE3 9FU.
  • Email
  • Call our office on 0116 2538541 (8.30am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday). You can leave a message outside of these times.
  • Tell a member of staff.
  • Current Service Users may complete a Comments, Suggestions and Complaints Form
  • Use our Contact Us Form

Complaints may come from Service Users themselves, or from relatives, carers, representatives, referrers or other involved health and social care professionals

What Happens?

You will be contacted within 5 working days to let you know we’ve received your complaint.

Stage 1

Your complaint will be investigated – normally by the Complaints Officer.  This will involve talking to the people concerned, finding out what went wrong and how we can fix it.  They may wish to meet with you to make sure they understand your complaint – if they do, you may be represented or accompanied at any meeting by a relative, carer, advocate, representative or other involved health and social care professional if you prefer.  Please rest assured:

  • You will have a single point of contact about your complaint.
  • We aim to resolve your complaint within a maximum of 10 working days, but we’ll keep you updated throughout

When we respond, we will tell you what has been found out and how things will be put right.

If it is not possible to respond within 10 working days, we will contact you to agree  a new target timescale (this will not normally exceed a further 10 days).

What If I Am Not Happy With the Response at Stage 1?

If you are not happy with the decision you have received at Stage 1, you have the right for this to be reviewed at Stage 2 – Appeal, within 30 days.   When you asks for a complaint to be escalated to stage 2, this will be confirmed within five working days of the request being received.

At stage 2, the complaint investigation will be reviewed by a Panel, that includes the next level of management and/or Trustees.

To review your  complaint, you may be asked to attend a meeting.  You may be represented or supported at any meeting by a relative, carer, representative, advocate or other involved health and social care professional.

You will receive a response to their Stage 2 complaint within 20 working days from date of escalation.  The written response will explain the outcome of your complaint, the reasons why and how propose to put things right.

If  it is not possible to respond within the timescale, you will be contacted to explain the reasons for the delay and agree a new target timescale (this will not normally exceed a further 20 days).

Getting Help Elsewhere

If we have not responded to a complaint from a licensee or tenant, they may access help from the Housing Ombudsman.  They may also take their complaint to the Ombudsman if they have completed this process and do not feel their issues have been resolved.

The Ombudsman may:

  • refer the case to a different organisation, if it is not in their jurisdiction
  • offer mediation
  • carry out an investigation

The Housing Ombudsman can be contacted by:

Filling in their online complaints forms at:


Phone: 0300 111 3000

Writing to:
Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 1484
Unit D

For more information, visit:

Complainants looking for further redress whose issues do not fall under the remit of the Housing Ombudsman, may raise their concerns with the Local Authority, their MP or local Councillor.