The Housing Ombudsman has recently published a new complaint handling code setting out what residents should expect from their landlord when they complain.  The code can be found here.  Norton Housing and Support’s complaints procedures have been reviewed against the code and, as a result, the following key actions identified:

  • The definition of a complaint within the Complaints Procedure will be amended.
  • In line with guidance, the complaints process will be made simpler and changed from a 3 stage process to a 2 stage process.
  • A Complaints Officer will be appointed.
  • Comments, Suggestions and Complaints will become a standing item on house and tenant meeting agendas, as well as on Operational Management Team Agendas.
  • Complainant satisfaction levels will be monitored and reported to Board.
  • Lessons learnt from complaints will be fedback to staff more consistently.
  • The Complaints Policy will be amended to cover the Organisation’s approach to complaints via social media.

Our complaints handling action plan will be regularly updated over the coming weeks, and further updates will be given both here on the website, and via our Service User engagement channels.